The Fernie Heritage Cemetery Restoration Society
Hosmer Cemetery - Hosmer B.C. Canada

Photo Gallery and Data Research
... Made possible by a grant from the Regional District

Hosmer Cemetery Location Maps
Hosmer Has a Rich Railway and Mining History ... Below pictures of Old Railway Buildings

E. Entrance to road to get to Powerline Road
To get to the Hosmer Cemetery you will have to walk East up hill on the old Hydro Powerline Road

E. Entrance to road to get to Powerline Road

E. Entrance to road to get to Powerline Road

1. Powerline Road to Cemetery

1. Powerline Road to Cemetery

2. Almost at the Cemetery Trail

2-3. Len pointing the way to Cemetery Trail

3. Traveling down Cemetery Trail

3. Traveling down Cemetery Trail
3. Traveling down Cemetery Trail 4. Now we are in the Cemetery.
Hosmer Cemetery Markers